講師名 | ゆみ 先生 |
レッスン時間 | 30分 (レッスン時間は1コマ25分です) |
カテゴリー | 歌 > ボーカル |
詳細内容 | You don't speak Japanese? No problem, I offer you a lesson in English! I'm working as voice coach in Sweden for more than 10 years and been teaching many students from over the world. No worries! At the first, I listen how you sing a song (which ever your favorite song is fine.) and I start telling you what you need to work on the most to develop your singing skill and we will work on it one by one so that you will able to sing much better after the lesson and you will get to know how you use your throat, vocal cords and whole body. I'm following your level so just leave it to me! For a beginner and experienced both. You can try a "trial lesson" as well, Send me message if you have any questions! |
2 件のサービスが見つかりました。
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